Merkel Campaigns in Munich With Horst Seehofer and Joachim Hermann

Merkel Campaigns in Munich With Horst Seehofer and Joachim Hermann

September 22, 2017 – Munich, Bavaria, Germany – A visibly and audibly exhausted Dr. Angela Merkel and her Bavarian sister party the CSU held a last minute rally ahead of the national elections on Sunday at Munich’s famed Marienplatz. Among the guests were Minister-President of Bavaria and head of the CSU Horst Seehofer, as well as the Interior Minister of Bavaria Joachim Hermann. 8,000 were in attendance according to Hermann. Merkel is expected to retain the Chancellary by a good margin over the SPD’s Martin Schulz, a former European Parliament president whose resurgence has fizzled in recent months..Merkel’s visit was not without drama: on Tuesday, the extreme-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party was in attendance, using whistles and shouting to disturb the event. Joining them were various neo-nazi figures, as well as Pegida Munich- a group with members under terrorism monitoring. On the other side, anti-fascists and Greenpeace were protesting. The AfD is expected to receive over 10% of the national vote, well above the 5% needed to secure seats in the new Bundestag. If this takes place, the AfD will be the first extreme-right party in the German Bundestag in over six decades. As minority parties in Germany wield great power, the AfD has promised to gridlock the next German government. Furthermore, numerous analysts have identified some three-dozen right-extremists that may be chosen by the AfD to enter the Bundestag. (Credit Image: © Sachelle Babbar via ZUMA Wire)

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